Category Archives: science
Number 44 goes
down the court
Oh know she lost the
She stole the
ball back
And she
shoots the ball
The crowd goes wild
Fun Time !
Fun Time !
First BASE
Second BASE
Third BASE
In the out field
Run Home
There I went
speeding like
President Poem
Thomas Jefferson was American foundig father the prinsipal author Thomas was a spose man for demorcey
At beging the American Revolition
served as a poilt
Thomas Jeffersonunited states secreatary
serving under president George Washition `
jefferson and his close friend james madison jefferson elected president in what thomas called Revolition 1800
2013 AND 2014
When my little brothers team was glad that they won the super bowl.They had a party and they got tr0phies .My family took a trip to Dallas that was fun .We saw some of our family .They were glad to see us we got presents from them too .That was fun.I got lots of things for Christmas that was fun to.I played with all of the things that i got for Christmas .And it was my grandmas birthday she was so happy.I have two new goals for this year.I want to get my grades up and I want to learn new things I’d like to stop comeing to school late.One thing I really want to learn how to doi is fish.Four new books I want to read is Twilight and What a day it was at school and Visting our past.Those are the four new books i want to read.Oh and HAPPY NEW YEARS!
My DC slogan
CHristmas Couplets
Turkey Cinquain
- I thank the veterans becaues they fought for our country not only that. We got FREEDOM of LIBERTY .I like haveing a free country it is fun going to the store not haveing a person fowlling you a round were ever you go.I like going to the play ground with my brothers and sisters and cousins and my Mom&Dad.